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Day 148 & 149… February 15 & 16…Melbourne, Australia

May 11 2019

Day 148 & 149… February 15 & 16…Melbourne, Australia

After weeks and weeks of having hoppers and stringers and curry and roti for breakfast, this morning I had a beautiful thick slice of sourdough bread topped with rich green perfectly ripe avocado, and poached eggs that ran (something that they simply cannot accomplish in Asia…runny eggs!). It almost felt like I was in San Francisco! Certainly, tasted like home!

And talking about food…and SF, Jonny and I saw this sign as we were walking and had a good laugh! We miss our progressive dinners! I don’t think this would offer the same warmth and laughter as our memorable MT vertical progressives…but a fun idea, none the less.

Still on the subject of food… back in this Western world of chefs and fine food, we see the term, once again, “farm to table“…funny, how differently we understand that now after having traveled in Third World countries. For so many poor countries, farm to table is not an expression of gourmet food, it’s a simple fact of life. Everyone has at least a small farm in their backyard that feeds their family. A coconut, papaya, mango, and banana trees, plus a small garden with vegetables picked every day. Fresh, simple, inexpensive. It’s how they eat. It’s how they live…so many…hand to mouth.

The farmers markets that we go to in the US, and in Europe are so different from the markets in Asia. Going to our first night market this evening, we were curious to see what Australian markets will be like. More like we are used to in America, or more like Europe? Certainly not like Asia. What do you think?

My vote goes to SF as the closest! But this might even outdo that! Plus it was on a Thursday night (and they have night markets on Wednesday too, in another location!) And it was 8:30PM and still light!!!

Want to check out some of the cool architecture on our way home?

Even their trees are pretty cool. Yes, they’re real!

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